UBI.#: 607-197-960 WA.
1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy SE 104-111 Auburn, WA 98092
General Contractors

About Us
Headquartered in Auburn, WA ZIVA ENTERPRISES INC. has been an integral part of the building community serving Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Colorado and Wyoming since 2011.  Ziva was built with the commitment to ensure cost-effectiveness and high quality in every project we are fired to work on.  Our company was founded under the great values of: PROFESSIONALISM, COMMITTMENT, DELIGENCE, and COST EFFCTIVENESS.
Our philosophy is to work with our clients as if they were family to create a positive working environment.  We believe in exceptional service and honest pricing.  We strive to keep cost down and stay in budget by building in a timely and expedient manner.  We pride ourselves in efficient practices, ensuring little to no additional cost to client due to extending project deadlines.  We want to earn your trust with hard work, dedication and great results!
ZIVA was founded in 2011 by Todd M. Johnson.  Before launching ZIVA, Todd was a Superintendent, Project Manager and Estimator for Citadel Construction, Inc. for 26 years.  With this extensive residential and commercial project experience; ZIVA knows the importance of brining a project in on time with competitive pricing and the quality our clients/customers deserve.  
Recent Projects

McDonald's Remodel and New Construction through out the Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska. 
Taco Bell New Construction PNW
Olympia Enhanced Medical Facilities I & II 
Commercial/Retail Building- Deer Park WA
Wendy's Remodeling and New Restaurant Build - Poulsbo WA, Tukwila WA, Covington WA, Puyallup WA, Newberg Oregon.
Public School Door Project - Yakima WA, Selah WA, Spokane WA
Hospital Door Project - Ephrata WA
Residential Home Build - Spokane WA
Budget Car Rentals - Bellevue WA
Commercial Hair Salon Remodel - Spokane WA